
Spoon Art

    People compared chopsticks spoon, knife and fork with a wider range of applications, not only around the world, from Asia to Africa to Europe using a spoon, scoop and history is a long history.

     As early as the Paleolithic, Asia there have been spoon. Ancient Egyptian tombs have been found spoons wood, stone, ivory, gold and other materials.

     Greek and Roman aristocracy is copper, silver spoon made. 15th century Italy, when the child was held in baptism, the most popular gift is sent baptism spoon, that is, the child's guardian angel made of spoon handle, to the children baptized.

     In ancient China, a spoon with a magnetic compass became the ancestor - Ian

     It will be China's Shanxi dialect called Secretary spoon. We can vaguely see the traces of maternal age. Spoon is in the hands of parents, she with a spoon to distribute food to the family, the parent is the mother.

      Material spoon richer, and there are metals such as brass

                      Silver spoon

There are made of wood spoon

There are ceramic or porcelain spoon

Various colors of bright plastic spoons

       There splicing of two materials, such as wood and metal spoon or wood and ceramic mosaic mosaic of two materials

