
Do not cut watermelon with a spoon to eat

     Watermelon known as the king of fruits of summer. Sweet and juicy watermelon is not only Qingre, and arrests restless thirst, Lee urine, etc. It is a favorite summer people.
         Many people like to cut half a melon with a spoon to dig the food, this way of eating is not good. First, eat watermelon difficult to preserve. Because the plastic spoon to dig through the rest of the West rang stained saliva, more perishable. Secondly, the watermelon is the high sugar content of fruit, eat more easily converted to fat. If holding half a watermelon with a spoon to dig the food, it will unwittingly eat too much, easy to gain weight. Therefore, diced watermelon eating, whether from health or the health point of view, we are more scientific.

         Many people love to eat ice watermelon, think it is more thirst. However, due to the watermelon itself is cold, the cold storage will increase its cool. If Tanliang eat, gastrointestinal tract and other digestive organs will suddenly stimulated, causing stomach pain. So, out of the refrigerator watermelon the best place in half an hour at room temperature before eating. In general, the new buy watermelon in the refrigerator not more than one day, do not store the cut after more than one hour. Studies have shown that iced watermelon is rich in nutrients, far below room temperature storage under the watermelons. Watermelon at room temperature contained lycopene and β-carotene than iced watermelon to 40% and 139% higher, while precisely these nutrients have anti-cancer effect of antioxidants.

         Although watermelon is delicious, but not everyone is safe. First, renal insufficiency should not eat, so as not to increase the burden on the kidneys. Secondly, watermelon sugar content, diabetics should not eat. Finally, the watermelon is cold of the goods, eat more easily hurt the stomach, so stomach Deficiency, indigestion Eat appropriate. Do not eat early cold watermelon, otherwise it would be cold aggravate or prolong recovery time.


Increases dishes or cutlery colors increase appetite

    Good appetite and good mood is the basis for a happy life of the elderly, but there is another little link between the two.
         Such as the elderly poor appetite overall, it will affect the normal mood; the mood, appetite also typically better. When a home for the elderly poor appetite, may wish to try something on the table to increase the point of color, in order to regulate mood through color to play a role in appetite for the elderly.

       Boston University had been a study using brightly colored cutlery can help Alzheimer's patients improve visual difference has reduced sensitivity to make their food intake increased by more than 25%.
       From the color science, the food, cutlery and color meals surroundings can affect the mood of people when eating in varying degrees. For example, bright colors (red, yellow, orange, etc.) can stimulate the senses from the central nervous system, makes the spirit of excitement; at the same time, it can stimulate people's sense of taste, people appetite. If the table are all single, dark dishes (such as gray, black, blue, etc.), transfer the information to the brain, the brain will think of some dark and unhealthy things, coupled with those colors is a cold color, visual sense would be more boring, thus affecting the desire to eat.

       Therefore, the elderly poor appetite, may be appropriate to do color is not the same dishes such as red tomatoes, beef, pepper, yellow potatoes, corn, matched with other colors of fruit, such as strawberries, apples, oranges, mango, etc., so that the elderly change the visual sense when eating, maybe there is miraculous.
      In addition, it may be appropriate to adjust the dining environment, such as a wall hanging colored objects around the table, or at the table capped with a colorful tablecloth, cutlery (bowls, plates, plastic spoons, etc.) into the red, yellow, orange and other warm color tableware.

With a plastic spoon to eat it really is easier to gain weight

    Yesterday saw a report that is love with a plastic spoon to eat to gain weight more easily, his reason is people like to eat with a spoon, each scoop a tablespoon full of bites of food to eat, it is easy to unwittingly eat more, and swallowing speed faster than usual when using chopsticks, which is also easy to choke.  

        Love with a plastic spoon to eat it is really easy to get fat? I think this should vary. Many foreigners are to eat with a spoon, and indeed there are many looked like fat, but research shows that the main reason is not because they are fat with a spoon to eat, but long-term intake of high-calorie foods. You see a lot of Korean drama which will be referred to their family dinner scene, they also eat with a spoon and eat with relish, but this did not affect their weight. So with a plastic spoon to eat the real cause is not the cause of obesity.

        In fact, gain weight and your eating habits have a great relationship, if when you eat with a spoon, slowly, to control the rhythm of eating and drinking time, but also to drink slowly, not be anxious then youIt is not so easy to gain weight. Instead, eat with a spoon to make you eat, make you eat more fragrant. My personal experience tells me, eat mostly will not gain weight, gain weight because you are not a long-term exercise, eating disorders, often eat high-calorie junk food. Eat more dietary fiber to promote intestinal digestion and absorption of nutrients, good body will always be yours.



Be careful to select a plastic spoon

    Busy urban white-collar work, eat are also pay attention to a "fast" to the hotel to pack away some people, some people direct telephone, websites, micro-channel ordering delivery. Thus, a variety of disposable tableware has become "regulars" on the desk. But recently, some people have said that these disposable tableware too rough, especially the soup with a small spoon, very sharp edge, there are a lot of people are using the spoon "injured."
           I also had this bitter experience, when the bean curd drink, had quite happy, the result will be a plastic spoon out from the mouth of the process, it was cut his lip. My colleagues have had this experience. Colleague Mike, before she was scratched over soup with spoon, spoon handle protruding edges on the handle is pulled out a hole, but only Popi serious, and no bloodshed. And Li compared to Liu was not so lucky, my colleagues called the use of its duties to sell soup spoon, the spoon sharp edges of the lips pierced, and immediately see red. Good mood did not eat.

           Speaking of the situation was cut plastic spoons and forks, it can definitely not the minority. On the microblogging, but also to see a lot of netizens on plastic spoon "complaint." A netizen said, "I am very bad, it is wrong to eat supper tonight, bought sugar, but also to cut the plastic spoon, and the blood flow out ......" User B, said, "In the morning being spoon cuts up to now still hurt, and never without a plastic spoon. "
           And had also heard similar reports, hot summer, when people eat cup cold, but the cold spoon to pull out from the mouth, the mouth was cut and bloody. "Cold drinks, cake has a plastic spoon, and children like to eat these things, and adults have been cut, the child holding a spoon in his mouth and out, is not it dangerous?" Some netizens plastic spoon expressed concern about security.

           In the end how these sharp spoon, someone to do the experiment, the results were a surprise. This fast-food in five plastic spoon, knife three can become one of the most sharp spoon can easily cut kraft paper.
           However, not all plastic spoons are wounding weapon. I believe we have found, and their home with a plastic spoon on the fine, the style is also nice, have not heard of anyone being hurt. So, still relevant and quality spoon.

Plastic spoon on the market a lot of fast-food restaurants use costs are very low, spoon a thin edge, and the material is unknown, it is likely it will release toxic substances when heated. So the election on election spoon spoon quality assurance.



Left hand plastic spoon and children's education

   Yesterday afternoon, a little belly, but there is no time to eat dinner, so ready to eat an apple, when being Xiaoping Guo, roommate was surprised to say, so you are left-handed, ah, how usually do not see it? I said that I write are usually eat with the right hand and you are certainly not the same as you find it. In other words, I am not a pure left-handed. Pen and chopsticks when, I always use the right hand, take a spoon of soup, I prefer to use the left hand.

        Some people say, lefty smarter, you see a lot of foreign scientists, the president of what is left-handed. I do not agree with this view. I think, when they grow up left-handed or right-handed, are the parents of a child relationships education. Human nature is the use of the left hand, the reason why foreigners are a little more left-handed child because the child would not call them that are left-handed or right-handed, they think two hands are feasible. The Chinese believe that eating traditional writing is a very serious matter, the provisions have to use the right hand is correct. You like me, the reason I write is to eat right, because only at dinner time to write, parents are more likely to focus attention on what I use hand, because parents want you to be perfect. It makes me think of parents for their children's education, parents how to educate their children is the best?

        I believe that to achieve "just good" parents are the best parents. It makes me think of parents for their children's education, parents how to educate their children is the best?
        I believe that to achieve "just good" parents are the best parents. On the way children grow up, parents are constantly adapt themselves, "expect children to be the best kid, hoping he was the best father or mother," "just good" parents not demanding perfection, parents allow their children are both advantages and disadvantages of a child, to understand their children in some way good long while on the other hand poor long is normal. I need to correct some aspects of some aspects he is not required. Demanding parents often do not find the perfect children's glittering and growing up a little bit of progress, and few flaws and shortcomings of the child. Not demanding perfect parent, not only do not require their children to be perfect, but he was not ordered and require a perfect parent. In the process of raising children, either economically, or spiritual energy,

 not overdrawn, but the degree of commitment, but according to their own realities do what with them. "Just good" parents in front of children is by no means a panacea to show parents, but the performance in front of the children's parents. No one is omniscient, omniscient, in the child's face, "one hundred thousand why" parents to be "known as know, I do not know as I do not know." Parents for children, the role should not just parents, should be friends.


Some thoughts on "Detective Conan" and plastic spoon

   Today saw a post, a comment "Detective Conan" in.
   I am a veteran anime fans, Conan is I grew up in a cartoon favorite, before college, do not have time to look at it, after college, I spent a whole week to more than seven sets this animation to read, after reading still feel not enough to see. But there are a lot of people criticized "Detective Conan" This animation is easy to teach bad kids. It was also commented that: this anime, age groups, certainly not for children. So this cartoon does not teach bad kids, just put it when adults who are mentally handicapped.

   Some people say that this logic animation is simply not logical place little more outrageous, he pointed out the following points illogical place:
1. Almost every episode (does not mean all) are using hypnosis needle Conan caused by an adult (mostly Maori Kogoro) sleep, and then hiding in the dark with a microphone to speak to solve the case. So mentally means, even will not be found. No problem once or twice, more than 700 sets forth the case.
2. Almost every episode is homicide, as homicide detectives why only break it?
3. Why Conan goes, where the murder took place? Is everything Conan doing?
4. Homicide, the adults around a 7-year-old child will remain at the scene?
5. Why Conan will never grow up? More than 700 collection is more than 700 homicides. If we encounter a homicide by one week. That story from the first date to now they have gone through ten years time, we just assume that Conan is because the body is altered genes are the bad guys never grow smaller after the lead, and that's why people around Conan age is also no change?
6. Conan so high IQ, cracked so many homicides, but can not find who put him smaller.
7. Maori Kogoro was injected so many times hypnotic agent, did not leave any after-effects on the body no problem, he never actually take the initiative to investigate this matter.

    I think that this view is too one-sided, we need to know that this is an animation, a lot of things that can not be comparable to the reality of things. If held in the end, the first Conan medication after this episode smaller body itself is unreasonable. Secondly, Conan each detection through a small detail discovered the key points of the case, and sometimes broken plastic spoon, sometimes a human hair. Some are in the middle of the reasoning process of the brain Conan completed, some passing. If you really want to be investigated carefully, it just do not look good. I personally think this cartoon just to teach us how to think more comprehensive, things to do carefully. Sherlock Holmes and some do not like this episode, Sherlock suddenly discovered the key points of the case, but we can not see the lines out, Sherlock later explained that we did not know how it is. This animation is actually the case.
    These are my point of view for this animation.

How over the weekend

     And colleagues for dinner at night. Colleagues say, every work, go home do not know what to do, and feel special emptiness. Previously, in the school did it feel, after work, feeling strongly in my heart. I do not usually work this feeling, because I live in the factory, the company specializes in the production of plastic spoon, usually seven more before work, after work late, no time to think about something else other, but on the weekend I'll have this feeling, and there's no good way to overcome. Not me, I know the people around them, too has a similar sentiment. Friends tell them, I'm not surprised. Some people might say, you can find a friend shopping, ah, ah, what a movie. But I think, every weekend so had not how good.

     I collected some ways the Internet can resist such sentiments. For example, after work to buy food to cook, and chat with friends harmonious relationship, watching movies. You can discuss what to do dishes, how to eat, how to play. But this is not a long-term thing, you can not call people every weekend to gather, everyone has their own plans and arrangements. Gather more will distasteful, and occasionally get together some better relations.
     Some people say you can keep what some small animals around to pass the time, it is impossible to keep a potted plant or. In this way, you have to think about from time to time watering it, thinking there is one thing you need to Sinong. There is always read to, to have a care.

     But this method is not very thorough. Thorough way that is sure to try to find the core of their lives. See an article some time ago, I forgot the general content, the key point is, he said, one should be able to play out to find their own God-given endowment places. Author of this article, I very much agree with this point of view, he was right especially, it is particularly important. Such as Lu Xun, if a doctor to do it, with his surly disposition temper, it would be difficult to become an outstanding doctor, but abandoned medicine from the text is not the same. When he picked up the pen, you can write the ridicule of essays, novels unparalleled, bestowed his character, in the article on its head. Lu Xun was not a good character and easy to get along with people, if such a person do other industries, I am afraid, is a failure, they might still pass a negative energy around people. Fortunately, he has a chance to pick up a pen to write things, the achievements of talented writers of an era.
     Like the famous master Shutong, if a monk when he was not a middle-aged monk, he would be an artist, but I'm afraid that will not be turned out of great artists. But after he shaved his head for the monk is not the same. As monks, is unique throughout the twentieth century. Open bookstore had asked him to write Tuoxia Mianzun mold, which is printed on the book you need to find a person's word as a template, Shutong is a famous calligrapher, wanted to ask him to write. Shutong very readily agreed. Work carried out a stage, he snapped. One reason to go back, there are many needs written word is not suitable for monks write such words knife beside the ferocious cruelty too much. Only such a person texture, it may promote the Nanshan Lvzong. Shutong monk, is really looking for a chance to endowments to the fullest. But most people do not hard to find such opportunities, find the one that best play to their nature of things to do. Once you find something like this, after work to do, where to go on weekends to play, all is not a problem. Because it will surely have the same thing, so that you are willing to pour effort. It is enough to fill out your spare time and make your life so the blooming glory.

     So I think that a person should find the same thing, engaged in such things, I can heartily happy, and be able to maximize their own nature, meanwhile, will be open for a future life path. I may be rich enough life experience, so far I have not found that point of life.
     The ancients said, poor management, and with all, as soon as life. This road is never exhaustive. Each one small step forward, one step more than poor management, you can do more of the points. Always walk in this way, to explore their own direction, naturally attend to day how to spend this kind of problem. Because you never know what things can make your life becomes more meaningful.



Creative or data

                      I am an ordinary Web Editor, daily work is under the management of the site, updated  information about the site, then send some foreign chains. My company is the production of plastic products, and I manage the site is mainly engaged in plastic spoon. A meeting this morning to let me have a little sentiment.

 Today, we give our analysis of general manager of our work. Each week we have certain performance requirements, our performance is not ideal. Manager Analysis: "not your data quality, I ask that the data, only the data in order to measure your worth in this company you run the official website, sent every day outside the chain's ultimate goal is the number of inquiry put up some of you hair. outside the chain, and I do not ask you to be creative, tall on no usefulness. "

I was thinking, data and creative conflict? For example, on the micro-Bo, I made microblogging novel enough, attractive enough until someone clicks on, someone to see. My ad is basically a straightforward no one in it. The ultimate aim is to improve data and creative, so the two had to look.


Sentiment about the plastic spoon

          There is a small lovely family (my nephew) has been more than one year old, did you
 want to grow a few teeth to eat their own learning. He was supposed to eat a very happy to do. But this may be too busy My brother and sister-in-law.
         First, they gave the baby to pick the bowl had an argument, my brother said insulated 
stainless steel bowl a little better, but they are not afraid of hot and drop, sister-in-law and I want to buy it too ugly plastic bowl, modeling can increase the baby's cute appetite, then my mom came out and said good point unsafe plastic porcelain. Finally negotiated to buy stainless steel baby a good point.


     Then spoon the problem is, I mainly want to say about my perception of it on a spoon.
     When buying a spoon with my nephew passed, we adults in the election to pick a wooden spoon or metal spoon Well, I'll hold my nephew to see the next shelf. Kids usually like colorful things, my nephew grabbed a sky-blue spoon beside having all the fun. I think they dispute for a long time to no avail, I say let the kids choose it. Result holds little nephew spoon in his hand tightly, and my brother and sister-in-law felt unsafe plastic. Then the salesman came, he said to us to explain that this plastic spoon is specially prepared for children just learning to eat, very safe, its material is environmentally friendly and does not worry about toxic substances after decomposition when exposed to heat, then gave me explain a lot. I found this spoon is really designed for children to use. I also inquired about this spoon online related information, is indeed very suitable for children to use. Finally, I Gesao although a little concern, or this adorable plastic spoon to buy a home.
       Things in life is often the case, a small detail can impress you.


Each has its own high-heeled shoes with story

  Although some MM are wearing high heels every day, but they know how much heel heels? Heels heel diversification, and dagger heels, wedges, glasses, etc. with different heel heels different story, a different type with different feeling, here we look at it.
  Dagger with: undone in the 1950s, Mr. Dior to join Roger Vivier launched a women's high-heeled shoes, as sharp and thin heel, like a dagger, called the "Stiletto". Date of birth, Stiletto will be seen as representative of sexy shoes, then pitched dagger with specifically refers to thin and high heels.

  With nothing: no heel heel sole structure, shape looks cool, but not many people can ride it.

  Sponge cake: platform shoes is a new form of high-heeled shoes, the world is very popular this new high heels. The beauty of the young ladies like to wear this shoe as thick sponge cake shoes, feeling quite good. But the British, the Japanese research institute survey found that women wear the shoes of vulnerable, Britain and Japan to "platform shoes" and other heels together known as the "death of shoes."

  Horseshoe heel: heel shaped like a horseshoe, is currently the most popular fashion element is represented dior horseshoe heel series, both in the production process, or the shoes are designed to reveal the big low-key affair, in you can select the following 12cm high heels heel horseshoe making friends while on the go or office meeting.

  Wedges: Wedges are less tired. Wedges are generally a whole underside of a root degree, attached behind the front Kogan shoes, unlike most of the high-heeled shoes and only a thin one with an independent. Benefits wedges that fit heavy-bottomed, to unlimited increase in the limited situation, easy to walk off than stilettos.

  With glass: glass with a long time ago, on the occasion of a footwear designer drunk, watching the hands can not help but think if it was able to use the shape of this glass on the heel not that fantastic, then the second days to design the upper end of the glass with the heel of like a wine glass is generally round and full, tapered heel grip like blackjack generally slim and moving.

  Square heel: the rectangular shape is very close to the heel. Compared to a rectangular thin heels heel less of a sharp sexy, but more stable and capable, more robust design so that you can freely access a variety of occasions, I joker's also very decent, women in the workplace of choice is a single product .


Chinese people use spoon etiquette

  Since ancient times, Chinese people advocating etiquette, self-respect of moral values and customs. Tableware is embodied in a person's family upbringing, culture and etiquette qualities. A drop of water can be seen that the basic quality of the sun, reflecting the people's details. Even with chopsticks etiquette, will also affect the success of your oh.
      To our while to make subtle -- "Mean"
      Governing a large country, if cooking a small fish - I "moral"
      Let small gift without any hesitation, the details determine success or failure. - Wang seeking "details determine success or failure."

      Spoon, north called "scoop" on the table for scooping soups or used chopsticks to take inconvenient Jian (such as grain, slippery food) a cutlery, commonly about 12 × 4 cm. There are also large, for a large bowl of the spoon on the specifications.
      Hand held spoon way: right hand holding a spoon, just hold down the index finger grooves on the upper end of the handle, the thumb and middle finger next support. This is more beautiful civilization, but also more stable. (Of course, there will be a lateral press your thumb on the upper end of the handle, while the index finger and middle finger next support. This somewhat rude, sloppy.)

      The following list is not appropriate to the performance with a spoon:
1. aloud spoon
Gee issued when deflated mouth soup soup Hu Lulu sound or noise.
2., skillet spoon
The port used by themselves or licked skillet soup spoon again.
3, hair spoon
With larger or more anxious lipped, blow cold spoon in the soup.
4, beat spoon
No gently, resulting spoon encounter bowls, plates and audible.
5 drops colander
Spoon feeding on the extent of the mouth, we should not leave bowls, plates front is limited, must not make out the soup in the bowl drops, disc.
6, backhand spoon
Ladle soup spoon hold rice when valgus. It is said that only a ritual for the dead or for food when prison inmates hair turned out to hold rice spoon, folk out there think the backhand with a spoon make money outflows. So in some places there is custom, the direction toward the spoon to use inside the house.
7, walk spoon
Holding a spoon walk or entertain guests, this is rude to the guests, not sincerity performance. (In Japan is a whore strokes off the move, so the Japanese prostitutes also called "spoon")
8, Baikal spoon
     After each use, the buildup of soup or sauce spoon water, if not pay attention to any relatively clean, the formation of a painted face, and you should not re-use a spoon.


Japanese etiquette taboos spoon

   Taboo in Japan about the spoon, and this description is closely related to the Japanese life spoon. For example, when a meal is not a side capable of holding a spoon, a side to greet the guests, but a definite must take the spoon neatly put away, then got up and went to greet the guests, even the guests at this time has come to close , it must first be given a spoon on the table, and then talk to the guests, otherwise for nurturing family, this is one kind of extremely impolite. Is not going to let someone else take your.

 plastic spoon

   In ancient Japan, whore road in the night to bring the spoon to 10 characters, with a spoon to the southeast, northwest four directions for guests. Because they use the spoon on the professional, so have they called whore "spoon", now everyone should know the spoon in his hand, and waved, how embarrassing is one thing, especially female friends, one must pay attention to the etiquette in Japan, lest cause unnecessary trouble.

   In daily life, but also a lot of taboo about the spoon. For example, the taboo mouth and tongue licking the spoon, which is 1:00 and the Western etiquette similar, even attached a sticky food on the spoon, but also a definite do not go directly to the mouth or tongue to get down, but to look for other methods. Because like is used as a spoon to scoop the soup or fluid food full bloom, so the spoon is a common vessel, if the individual mouth to touch, it will affect others, again, this is extremely impolite, even within the family, this ritual is to be observed.

 soup spoon

   Japanese legend, if at dinner, someone's mouth to touch the spoon, then the sky will rain will hit the dog barking when married, unlucky, but also illness, or birth of a child is a flat face, like a spoon appearance. There taboo hold rice with a spoon back, so that women in the future to be a stepmother and so on. As can be seen from these taboos, a generation of Japanese old spoon regarded as sacred, powerful, supernatural things.