
Chinese people use spoon etiquette

  Since ancient times, Chinese people advocating etiquette, self-respect of moral values and customs. Tableware is embodied in a person's family upbringing, culture and etiquette qualities. A drop of water can be seen that the basic quality of the sun, reflecting the people's details. Even with chopsticks etiquette, will also affect the success of your oh.
      To our while to make subtle -- "Mean"
      Governing a large country, if cooking a small fish - I "moral"
      Let small gift without any hesitation, the details determine success or failure. - Wang seeking "details determine success or failure."

      Spoon, north called "scoop" on the table for scooping soups or used chopsticks to take inconvenient Jian (such as grain, slippery food) a cutlery, commonly about 12 × 4 cm. There are also large, for a large bowl of the spoon on the specifications.
      Hand held spoon way: right hand holding a spoon, just hold down the index finger grooves on the upper end of the handle, the thumb and middle finger next support. This is more beautiful civilization, but also more stable. (Of course, there will be a lateral press your thumb on the upper end of the handle, while the index finger and middle finger next support. This somewhat rude, sloppy.)

      The following list is not appropriate to the performance with a spoon:
1. aloud spoon
Gee issued when deflated mouth soup soup Hu Lulu sound or noise.
2., skillet spoon
The port used by themselves or licked skillet soup spoon again.
3, hair spoon
With larger or more anxious lipped, blow cold spoon in the soup.
4, beat spoon
No gently, resulting spoon encounter bowls, plates and audible.
5 drops colander
Spoon feeding on the extent of the mouth, we should not leave bowls, plates front is limited, must not make out the soup in the bowl drops, disc.
6, backhand spoon
Ladle soup spoon hold rice when valgus. It is said that only a ritual for the dead or for food when prison inmates hair turned out to hold rice spoon, folk out there think the backhand with a spoon make money outflows. So in some places there is custom, the direction toward the spoon to use inside the house.
7, walk spoon
Holding a spoon walk or entertain guests, this is rude to the guests, not sincerity performance. (In Japan is a whore strokes off the move, so the Japanese prostitutes also called "spoon")
8, Baikal spoon
     After each use, the buildup of soup or sauce spoon water, if not pay attention to any relatively clean, the formation of a painted face, and you should not re-use a spoon.

