
Left hand plastic spoon and children's education

   Yesterday afternoon, a little belly, but there is no time to eat dinner, so ready to eat an apple, when being Xiaoping Guo, roommate was surprised to say, so you are left-handed, ah, how usually do not see it? I said that I write are usually eat with the right hand and you are certainly not the same as you find it. In other words, I am not a pure left-handed. Pen and chopsticks when, I always use the right hand, take a spoon of soup, I prefer to use the left hand.

        Some people say, lefty smarter, you see a lot of foreign scientists, the president of what is left-handed. I do not agree with this view. I think, when they grow up left-handed or right-handed, are the parents of a child relationships education. Human nature is the use of the left hand, the reason why foreigners are a little more left-handed child because the child would not call them that are left-handed or right-handed, they think two hands are feasible. The Chinese believe that eating traditional writing is a very serious matter, the provisions have to use the right hand is correct. You like me, the reason I write is to eat right, because only at dinner time to write, parents are more likely to focus attention on what I use hand, because parents want you to be perfect. It makes me think of parents for their children's education, parents how to educate their children is the best?

        I believe that to achieve "just good" parents are the best parents. It makes me think of parents for their children's education, parents how to educate their children is the best?
        I believe that to achieve "just good" parents are the best parents. On the way children grow up, parents are constantly adapt themselves, "expect children to be the best kid, hoping he was the best father or mother," "just good" parents not demanding perfection, parents allow their children are both advantages and disadvantages of a child, to understand their children in some way good long while on the other hand poor long is normal. I need to correct some aspects of some aspects he is not required. Demanding parents often do not find the perfect children's glittering and growing up a little bit of progress, and few flaws and shortcomings of the child. Not demanding perfect parent, not only do not require their children to be perfect, but he was not ordered and require a perfect parent. In the process of raising children, either economically, or spiritual energy,

 not overdrawn, but the degree of commitment, but according to their own realities do what with them. "Just good" parents in front of children is by no means a panacea to show parents, but the performance in front of the children's parents. No one is omniscient, omniscient, in the child's face, "one hundred thousand why" parents to be "known as know, I do not know as I do not know." Parents for children, the role should not just parents, should be friends.

