
Do not cut watermelon with a spoon to eat

     Watermelon known as the king of fruits of summer. Sweet and juicy watermelon is not only Qingre, and arrests restless thirst, Lee urine, etc. It is a favorite summer people.
         Many people like to cut half a melon with a spoon to dig the food, this way of eating is not good. First, eat watermelon difficult to preserve. Because the plastic spoon to dig through the rest of the West rang stained saliva, more perishable. Secondly, the watermelon is the high sugar content of fruit, eat more easily converted to fat. If holding half a watermelon with a spoon to dig the food, it will unwittingly eat too much, easy to gain weight. Therefore, diced watermelon eating, whether from health or the health point of view, we are more scientific.

         Many people love to eat ice watermelon, think it is more thirst. However, due to the watermelon itself is cold, the cold storage will increase its cool. If Tanliang eat, gastrointestinal tract and other digestive organs will suddenly stimulated, causing stomach pain. So, out of the refrigerator watermelon the best place in half an hour at room temperature before eating. In general, the new buy watermelon in the refrigerator not more than one day, do not store the cut after more than one hour. Studies have shown that iced watermelon is rich in nutrients, far below room temperature storage under the watermelons. Watermelon at room temperature contained lycopene and β-carotene than iced watermelon to 40% and 139% higher, while precisely these nutrients have anti-cancer effect of antioxidants.

         Although watermelon is delicious, but not everyone is safe. First, renal insufficiency should not eat, so as not to increase the burden on the kidneys. Secondly, watermelon sugar content, diabetics should not eat. Finally, the watermelon is cold of the goods, eat more easily hurt the stomach, so stomach Deficiency, indigestion Eat appropriate. Do not eat early cold watermelon, otherwise it would be cold aggravate or prolong recovery time.

