
Increases dishes or cutlery colors increase appetite

    Good appetite and good mood is the basis for a happy life of the elderly, but there is another little link between the two.
         Such as the elderly poor appetite overall, it will affect the normal mood; the mood, appetite also typically better. When a home for the elderly poor appetite, may wish to try something on the table to increase the point of color, in order to regulate mood through color to play a role in appetite for the elderly.

       Boston University had been a study using brightly colored cutlery can help Alzheimer's patients improve visual difference has reduced sensitivity to make their food intake increased by more than 25%.
       From the color science, the food, cutlery and color meals surroundings can affect the mood of people when eating in varying degrees. For example, bright colors (red, yellow, orange, etc.) can stimulate the senses from the central nervous system, makes the spirit of excitement; at the same time, it can stimulate people's sense of taste, people appetite. If the table are all single, dark dishes (such as gray, black, blue, etc.), transfer the information to the brain, the brain will think of some dark and unhealthy things, coupled with those colors is a cold color, visual sense would be more boring, thus affecting the desire to eat.

       Therefore, the elderly poor appetite, may be appropriate to do color is not the same dishes such as red tomatoes, beef, pepper, yellow potatoes, corn, matched with other colors of fruit, such as strawberries, apples, oranges, mango, etc., so that the elderly change the visual sense when eating, maybe there is miraculous.
      In addition, it may be appropriate to adjust the dining environment, such as a wall hanging colored objects around the table, or at the table capped with a colorful tablecloth, cutlery (bowls, plates, plastic spoons, etc.) into the red, yellow, orange and other warm color tableware.

